Tech in The Social Sector: Leveraging Data to Build a Bright, Equitable Future

February 11
60 mins

Webinar Host

Chantal Hansen

Sr. Manager, Research & Data


HelpSeeker is excited to present our webinar: Tech in The Social Sector: Leveraging Data to Build a Bright, Equitable Future

Data is a hot topic these days, with plenty of investment going in to collecting it. But once collected, what do you do with it? How do you use it to mobilize change for the betterment of everyone?

Join us as we discuss how data can be used to predict outcomes and support better decision making in the face of rapidly changing social issues.


In this webinar, you will learn:

Participants will learn about how data can support the social sector, from predicting outcomes to offering evidence that promotes better decision making to tackle social issues.

Featured Speakers

Webinar Host

Chantal Hansen

Sr. Manager, Research & Data

Chantal brings 15 years’ experience in the field of health and human services with a focus on the collection, interpretation, and visualization of data to inform policy and programming. She has expertise in developing and implementing databases, online database governance, privacy regulation and practices, and using data to make better decisions.

Chantal’s special interest is Geography: understanding where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time. She utilizes Geographic Information Science (GIS) technology, as its spatial focus embraces the idea of interconnectedness.

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